Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cards for Soldiers and a big old OOOPS!!!

Hey Y'all!  I posted  my link for the slideshow but forgot to set it as public.  So sorry.  If you want to see it still please watch and your comments are much appreciated. 

If you need product information please see the original post HERE.

Now, down to the reason I came to post.  Some of you may or may not have heard of an organization called Soldiers Angels.  If you haven't and know someone who has been in the military or who is still in the military...I encourage you to visit the Soldiers Angels site HERE.  This is a wonderful organization that I participate in and support and there are so many soldiers who still need care packages from US or even a CARD to know that in the USA are still thinking of them and that they are appreciated for their service.  Soldiers Angels has an Adopt a Soldier program for sending deployed soldiers care packages.  If you cannot do that...a card does not cost much to send and if you can do more...that's great too.  There's currently a Holiday Card Project going on and I know we as crafters love to make things.  And for the people who are not so crafty...they even provide cards for you to download, add a message and send in.  There's something we can all do to let our troops know that we still care and we haven't forgotten them.  I hope you will all consider visiting the Soldiers Angels website to see what they are all about. 


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